Feeding Tube
What is a liquid tube feeding pump?
A liquid tube feeding pump is a specialized pump designed to accurately deliver liquid tube feeding to a patient.
How does the liquid tube feeding pump work?
The dietician and doctor determine the amount of liquid tube feeding that a patient needs for each day. This amount is entered into the liquid tube feeding pump by the nurse. The tube feeding pump delivers the liquid tube feeding to the patient at a constant rate over a twenty four hour period. The liquid tube feeding will be seen at the patient’s bedside usually hanging from an IV pole. The tube feeding is usually in a container that is connected to the feeding pump. The tube feeding flows through the feeding pump into the patient through a nasogastric, nasoduodenal, jejunostomy, or gastrostomy tube. Not all patients receiving liquid tube feedings need a liquid tube feeding pump. The nursing staff may safely give a measured amount of liquid tube feeding to patients several times daily.
What are the potential complications associated with the use of the liquid tube feeding pump?
Liquid tube feeding pumps are very reliable. If the device malfunctions the patient may receive too little or too much liquid tube feedings for a twenty four hour period. This usually poses little danger to the patient. In addition, the liquid tube feeding pump has an alarm system that will sound if the device does not function properly.