Other ICU Team Members
Most hospital staffs have clergy who serve in a non-denominational capacity to minister to the spiritual needs of patients and families. If you wish to speak with a member of the hospital's clergy, please ask a nurse or doctor to call. Don't hesitate to contact your own clergy for support in this difficult time.
Nutrition is extremely important in critical illness and injury. Dietitians work with the ICU team to ensure that the patient is getting adequate nutrition while in the ICU and other parts of the hospital. They are also valuable sources of information about special diets after the patient leaves the ICU such as diabetic diet, kidney failure diets and others.
ICU Technician
Many hospitals have trained technicians to help with many important tasks in the ICU such as bathing, turning, feeding and transporting critically ill patients.
Laboratory Technician
In many ICUs laboratory technicians specially trained in obtaining blood specimens help in obtaining blood for laboratory tests.
Occupational Therapist
Occupational therapists help patients adjust to daily activities of living following a critical illness or injury. They also help in placement of splints for the arms and legs in severely ill and injured patients. This helps prevent contractions of muscles and tendons during the critical illness/injury.
Physical Therapist
Physical therapists are frequently seen in the ICU helping with range of motion exercises, stretching exercises, gait (walking) training and other important rehabilitation activities.
Radiology Technician (X-ray Technician)
Technicians specially trained in taking X-ray pictures are often found in the ICU with their X-ray equipment. They only take X-rays ordered by the doctors.
Respiratory Care Professional
Respiratory care professionals have special training and experience in caring for patients with breathing problems. They set up and maintain breathing machines (mechanical ventilators), as well as help the doctors and nurses adjust these machines minute by minute and hour by hour to best meet the patient's needs. They also give breathing treatments, suction secretions from the breathing tubes and setup and maintain oxygen delivery devices and many other pieces of breathing equipment.
Social Worker
Social workers have special training and experience in managing socials issues surrounding the patient's hospitalization. They are usually able to help you find answers to questions about insurance coverage and help to coordinate transfer from the ICU when the patient's condition has improved.
Speech Therapist
Speech therapists help patients with speaking difficulties. They also may help in evaluating a patient's ability to swallow following a critical illness or injury.
Unit Secretary
Speech therapists help patients with speaking difficulties. They also may help in evaluating a patient's ability to swallow following a critical illness or injury.
Additonal Information
For more information about Respiratory Care Professional see the following site(s):
American Association for Respiratory Care provides
abstracts of articles from industry journals.