Glossary B's
beta blocker
Definition:type of drug used to treat high blood pressure and heartdisorders by reducing the strength and rate of pumping bythe heart
barium enema
Definition:technique in which barium is placed into the largeintestine and rectum and then X-rays are taken to check forpossible disorders of these organs
Definition:any bacteria that is rod-shaped; responsible fordiphtheria, dysentery, tetanus, and tuberculosis, as well asother diseases
Definition:condition in which bacteria are present in thebloodstream; may occur after minor surgery or infection andmay be dangerous for people with a weakened immune system orabnormal heart valves
Definition:descriptive of a substance that stops the growth ofbacteria, such as an antibiotic
Definition:tiny, single-celled microorganism, commonly known as agerm; plural form is bacteria; some bacteria, calledpathogens, cause disease
Definition:bacteria in the urine; large amounts can indicatebladder, urethra, or kidney infection
balloon angioplasty
Definition:technique that uses a balloon catheter to open arteriesclogged with fatty deposits
balloon catheter
Definition:flexible, hollow tube with a small, inflatable balloonat the tip; used to open a narrowed artery or organ that hasbecome blocked
balloon pump machine
Definition:device that pumps air into an intra-aortic balloon usedas an emergency measure to help the heart pump more bloodand improve blood flow to the heart
Definition:protective covering of a sore or wound; also calleddressing
Definition:sedative drug that reduces activity in the brain;habit-forming and possibly fatal when taken with alcohol
Definition:a contrast material used in X-rays, includinggastrointestinal tract contrast X-rays
benign tumor
Definition:tumor that is not cancerous, which means it does notspread through the body, but may grow and become dangerous
Definition:descriptive of a condition that affects both sides ofthe body or two paired organs, such as bilateral deafness(deafness in both ears)
Definition:yellow-green liquid produced in the liver and secretedto the gall bladder where is it stored for release tofacilitate the digestion of fats
biliary colic
Definition:severe pain in the upper right section of the abdomen,usually caused by a gallstone passing out of the bladder orthrough the bile ducts
biliary tract
Definition:system of organs and ducts through which bile is madeand transported from the liver to the small intestine
Definition:pertaining to bile, the bile ducts or gall bladder
Definition:orange-yellow pigment in bile, causing jaundice if itbuilds up in the blood and skin; the level of bilirubin inthe blood is used to diagnose liver disease
Definition:technique used to gain control over a function that isnormally automatic (such as blood pressure or pulse rate);the function is monitored and relaxation techniques are usedto change it to a desired level
Definition:procedure involving obtaining a tissue sample foranalysis to assist in diagnosis
Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure(BiPAP)
Definition:form of respiratory support providing oxygen andpressure to the lungs to make it easier for patient to breathe
bipolar disorder
Definition:illness in which the patient alternates between oppositeextremes; the most notable bipolar disorder ismanic-depressive disorder, which is characterized by extremehighs and lows in mood
blood type
Definition:classification used to describe a person's bloodaccording to the kinds of proteins present on the surface ofthe red blood cells; there are four blood types, A, B, AB,and O
blood vessels
Definition:any of the passageways for blood, including arteries,arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins
Definition:organ located in the pelvis to collect and store urineuntil it is expelled
blood clot
Definition:semisolid mass of blood that forms to help seal andprevent bleeding from a damaged vessel; a thrombus is a clotwhich forms within a blood vessel; if the clot moves in theblood vessel it is called an embolus
blood count
Definition:determination of the number of red blood cells, whiteblood cells and platelets in a person's blood
Definition:substance which circulates through the body and consistsof fluid (plasma) and suspended red blood cells, white bloodcells, and platelets; arterial blood (i.e., blood in thearteries) provides oxygen and nutrients to body tissues;venous blood (i.e., blood in the veins) carries carbondioxide and waste products for elimination from the body
basal metabolic rate
Definition:an individual's lowest metabolic rate (consumption ofenergy) expressed in minimum daily caloric intake required;at this rate, only absolutely necessary functions, such asbreathing, are maintained at minimal levels; measured twelvehours after eating, following a restful sleep, with noexercise, physical activity, or emotional excitementpreceding the measurement, which is conducted at roomtemperature
bone marrow transplant
Definition:surgical procedure in which defective or cancerous bonemarrow is replaced with healthy marrow, either from thepatient or a donor
Definition:inflamed, raised area of skin that is pus-filled;usually an infected hair follicle
Definition:poisoning from poorly preserved food contaminated with adangerous bacterial toxin that results in paralysis
blood pressure monitor
Definition:device that continuously monitors and displays bloodpressure
blood pressure
Definition:tension in the main arteries that is created by thebeating of the heart and the resistance to flow andelasticity of the blood vessels
brain damage
Definition:permanent death or damage of brain cells resulting indecreased mental ability
brain death
Definition:condition in which the brain stops functioning while theheart continues to beat
brain stem
Definition:lowest part of the brain, merges with the spinal cord
Definition:abnormally slow heart rate, usually below 60 beats perminute in adults
bronchial tube
Definition:a bronchus or any of its branches
Definition:tiny, thin-walled branch of a bronchus
Definition:infection caused by a virus in the bronchioles, mainlyaffecting young children
Definition:inflammation of the bronchus, usually secondary toinfection
Definition:substance that causes the lung airways to tighten up andbecome more narrow
Definition:drug that widens the airways in the lungs to improvebreathing and to relieve muscle contraction or buildup ofmucus
Definition:special endoscope used to perform bronchoscopy
Definition:procedure to visually examine the windpipe (trachea),bronchi or smaller air passageways of the lungs with abronchoscope, a special type of endoscope
Definition:temporary narrowing of the airways in the lungs, eitheras a result of muscle contraction or inflammation; may becaused by asthma, infection, lung disease, or an allergicreaction
Definition:either of the two primary branches of the trachea, eachone leading to a lung; plural form is bronchi
bedside monitor
Definition:device that displays the results of one or multiplediagnostic procedures being performed on a patient (e.g.,EEG, ECG, blood pressure, capnography, etc.)
Definition:classified into three degrees based on severity: a firstdegree burn is superficial with red skin and feeling intact,usually painful; a second degree burn is characterized byblistering and more intense pain; a third degree burn haspenetrated both layers of the skin (epidermis and dermis),which is dead and white, with no sensation
Definition:fluid-filled sac that cushions and reduces friction incertain parts of the body
Definition:inflammation and swelling of a bursa due to excessivepressure or friction, or from injury
Definition:surgical technique in which the flow of blood or anotherbody fluid is redirected around a blockage
bone marrow
Definition:fatty yellow or red tissue inside bones that isresponsible for producing blood cells
blood transfusion
Definition:transfer of blood or any of its parts to a person whohas lost blood due to an injury, disease, or operation